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Love Bio-Briquettes. I am disabled and they make lighting my open fire so easy.  I just slide them in my little plastic wheelbarrow and wheel them right into the lounge!  No lifting required and so tidy.  The plastic bag means they don't get wet bringing them from the shed and there is no mess in the lounge room.  I live on my own so I need to be able to get wood in by myself.  Logs are no good because I would have to bend and lift each one into the wheelbarrow.


The Bio-Briquettes don't need kindling.  You can get them going just using a couple of firelighters.  You can use them on their own like I do or with other wood, and are very useful if the wood is wet.  My son uses them with other wood in his pot-belly stove.


The Bio-Briquettes burn really hot in my fireplace and don't burn down too quickly.  You only need a few to keep the house toasty warm.  I like the idea that I am using what would otherwise be a waste product and that there are no chemicals used, so they are safe.

Rhonda Collins

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